
Daigo-ji Temple Reiho-kan

The principle image “Yakushi Nyorai” (National Treasure) enshrined in the main hall is said to cure illness and pain

A treasure hall of famed treasures to view amidst famed vista of cherry-blossoms

Founded in 874, as headquarters of the Daigo School of The Shingon Sect of Buddhism, the temple is on the World Heritage List. In Japan, the temple is well known for its cherry blossoms; especially, the big blossom viewing party held by Hideyoshi Toyotomi. Occupying some 6.6 million square meters, the grounds have many historical structures, such as a pagoda (951), the Kondo main hall and Yakushido hall. Moreover, the temple has a vast collection of Buddhist sculptures and paintings and other arts and crafts that include many National Treasures and Important Cultural Properties.
And, since 1914, the temple continues to research and organize this collection.
Thus, in the Reiho-kan, each spring and autumn, special exhibitions are held.
Amidst the treasures totaling some 100,000 pieces, there are the ancient “Daigo- ji Temple Documents”; the Sohan Issaikyo, or Sung Dynasty Edition of the Buddhist Canon, brought back to Japan some 800 years ago; the Yakushi Nyorai statue carved in the Heian period; the Godaison, or Five Great Wisdom Kings, carved in the Kamakura period, and the Bugaku-zu Byobu (screens picturing dancers) by Sotatsu Tawaraya.

photoYakushi triad images (National Treasure)

Yakushi triad images (National Treasure)

photoPart of a 2-panel folding screen painting by Sotatsu Tawaraya (Important Cultural Property)

Part of a 2-panel folding screen painting by Sotatsu Tawaraya (Important Cultural Property)

Address 22 Daigo Higashioji-cho, Fushimi-ku
TEL 075-571-0002
FAX 075-571-0101
URL https://www.daigoji.or.jp
Hours 9:00~17:00 (tkt sales up to 16:00, last entry by 16:30), 16:30 for day after 1st Sun of Dec and Jan~end of Feb
Closed Open daily
Adm For just Sanpo-in, Karan and Reiho-kan: Adults ¥800, Junior high and high school students ¥600 ※Spring (20/3-15/5) and Autumn (15/10-10/12): Adults ¥1,500, Junior high and high school students ¥1,000
Access A 10-min walk from Exit 2 of the Subway Tozai Line Daigo Stn/ Very close to Daigoji Stop and Daigoji-mae Stop of Keihan Bus
Parking Available (Charged)

Facilities near by

photo:Rokuharamitsu-ji Temple

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photo:Kyoto City Museum of Art (Kyoto City KYOCERA Museum of Art)

Kyoto City Museum of Art (Kyoto City KYOCERA Museum of Art)

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photo:Itto-en Museum Koso-in

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photo:Obentobako Museum

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