
Seiryo-ji Temple Reiho-kan

It is said that the face of Shaka Nyorai in the Amida triad sculpture (National Treasure) is a likeness of Hikaru Genji

Treasure house built to hold Buddha images built between Heian and Kamakura eras

The principle Buddhist image of this temple is a standing statue of Shaka Nyorai, which is why Seiryo-ji Temple also is affectionately known as Saga Shaka-do. This Buddhist sculpture was brought to Japan from Sung-dynasty China by Chonen, a monk at Todai-ji Temple, Nara. Featuring black pearls for eyes, crystal ear studs, knotted hairstyle and a flowing robe hanging from the shoulders, this Buddhist statue emphatically carries the influence of the western region of India.
The many temple artworks kept in the Reiho-kan can be viewed twice a year in spring and autumn. The 1st floor features National Treasure Amida triad, the principal image of Seika, which was made as a memorial statue for Minamoto-no-Tooru, the model for Hikaru Genji, one of the main characters in The Tale of Genji, and other statures, all of them Important Cultural Properties. The 2nd floor is home to ancient documents, sutras and silk models of human organs found inside the principal image of Shaka Nyorai (standing statue).



Who is said to have created the garden in front of the Hojo (abbot’s chamber)?

Address 46 Saga Shakudo Fujinoki-cho, Ukyo-ku
TEL 075-861-0343
FAX 075-861-0310
URL http://seiryoji.or.jp/
Hours 9:00~17:00 (entry by 16:30) only in Apr & May and Oct & Nov
Closed Always open during open seasons
Adm Main temple and garden or Reihokan only: Adults: ¥400, Junior high and high school students ¥300, Elementary school students ¥200/ Temple, garden and Reiho-kan: Adults: ¥700, Junior high and high school students ¥500, Elementary school students ¥300
Access A 15-miin walk from JR Saga Arashiyama Stn/ A 15-min walk from Sagano Torokko Train Torokko Saga Stn/Very close to Saga Shakado-mae Stops of City Bus and Kyoto Bus
Parking Available (Charged)

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