
Gallery Terra-S, Kyoto Seika University

With application exhibitions, the applicant has the chance to plan and implement the exhibition, and then watch over the results

A perspective funneled from art and humanity

Run by the Research Promotion Group of Seika University, the Fleur Gallery works to expand its activities across wide-ranging fields, mainly gathering and preserving materials, which are then researched and exhibited. However, the gallery also functions on an educational level where it is used to train curators.
Exhibitions come in many guises, including: planned ones presided over by the university using Fleur pieces and outside exhibits; application exhibitions where undergraduates, graduates and faculty members submit requests to use the gallery for shows related to art and/or humanity, with the applicants running everything themselves as the directors of their own shows, and themed exhibitions to introduce pieces from the collection. This means the gallery stages around 20 exhibitions every year, reaching a broad swathe of the general public, as both students and visitors head to the gallery.
The collection is huge in size and range, reaching to some 12,000 pieces from the alluring world of Edo ukiyoe to the works of internationally recognized artists and on to contemporary artwork. The exhibition space has occupied part of the two-story Meisokan Building on campus since 1997, evolving with each renovation, as the gallery continues to act as a beacon to transmit the power of art.

Address 3F Meisou-kan, Kyoto Seika University. 137 Iwakura Kino-cho, Sakyo-ku
TEL 075-702-5263
FAX 075-722-5440
Hours 11:00 ~ 18:00
Closed Sun, Nat Hols, dates determined by university
Adm Free
Access Very close to Eiden Kurama Line Kyoto Seika Dai-mae Stn/Free school bus from the Subway Karasuma Line Kokusaikaikan Stn

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