
Takada Crystal Museum

Many beautiful minerals and their crystals unearthed allover Japan at the peak of mining during the high economic growth period

Twinkling minerals and the geological features of the Japanese archipelago

The Japanese archipelago is long and narrow but diverse in geological features providing globally preeminent finds of gold and silver between the Kamakura and Edo periods that made Japan a big exporter back then. And, from the Meiji period through to the Showa period, several thousand types of minerals found in Japan, including gold, silver, copper and zine, helped underpin the high economic growth period (1950s to 70s) in the country. Moreover, during the high economic growth period, stone and rock were mined from many mountains to feed the construction industry, which, in turn, also gave light of day to many beautiful minerals.
The museum director, Masasuke Takada, has been visiting mine sites since he was a child to collect the beautiful minerals and their crystals.
These collection sources are the cornerstones of this museum’s collection and exhibited specimens. Alas, however, almost all the mineral sources have been exhausted, the mines closed, and minerals on display no longer collectable.
Besides the collection, this museum stages various lectures and workshops to raise awareness about minerals, geological features and rock formations.

photoCrystal dug up in Kyoto

Crystal dug up in Kyoto

photoMineral display

Mineral display

photoNishiyama-no-Ganseki (museum’s café)

Nishiyama-no-Ganseki (museum’s café)


Which mineral was selected as the Kyoto Mineral by the Geological Society of Japan in 2016?

Address 172-1 Oharano Haigata-cho, Nishikyo-ku
TEL 075-331-0053
FAX 075-331-2064
URL http://www7b.biglobe.ne.jp/~takada-crystal/
Hours 10:00 ~ 16:00
Closed Mon, Tue, Wed, may close temporarily on other days
Adm Adults ¥300, High school and college students ¥200, Elementary and junior high school students ¥100
Access A 10-min walk from Nishitakenosato-cho Stop of City Bus/Very close to Haikata Stop of Keihan Kyoto kotsu /A 2-min walk from Haikata Stop of Hankyu Bus
Parking Available (up to 8 spaces free of charge)

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