
Kyoto Gion Lamp Museum

A Meiji oil lamp with stylishly beautiful form and doubtlessly a soft glow when lit

Beautiful lamps that shone through past eras

Located close to the Yasaka Shrine, this art museum is an unusual one, even by nationwide standards, as it exhibits Japanese and foreign oil lamps from the mid-to-late 1800s. The pieces range from those appreciated as works of art through to those that were used on a daily basis. The variety paints a clear picture of manners and customs well over a century ago. Among the rarer pieces, there is a lamp with a globe atlas, inverted lamps and those with cut-glass detail that all go to show the traditional Japanese skills woven into the designs. And, another intriguing must-see exhibit is the rape-seed oil lamp that was used back in the Edo period.
The collection extends to 1,600 pieces, of which some 800 are on permanent display. Adults and students alike find a lot to learn about at the museum. And, if features and historical background are what you are after, just put your question to the museum director - you are sure to get an answer.

Address 540-1 Gion-machi Minamigawa, Higashiyama-ku
TEL 075-525-3812
FAX None
Hours 10:30~17:30 (entry by 17:00)
Closed Wed (following day if Nat Hol), Temporary hols may be taken
Adm Adults ¥500, Junior high and high school students ¥300
Access A 6-minute walk from Keihan Gion-Shijo Stn/Very close to Gion Stop of City Bus

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