
The Toyokuni Shrine Treasure Museum

Picture showing the special festival at the seventh anniversary of Hideyoshi’s death in 1604

Shrine commemorating Hideyoshi Toyotomi

Affectionately known as Hokoku (an alternative reading of the kanji characters for Toyokuni), this shrine has a karamon gate (National Treasure), which is a remnant of Fushimi Castle. Next to this impressive gate stand eight stone lanterns donated by warlords under the patronage of the Toyotomi family. It is said that this magnificent shrine was built after Hideyoshi Toyotomi died and was imperially conferred with the posthumous Shinto name of “Hokoku Dai-myojin”. Nevertheless, once the Toyotomi family had perished at the hands of Ieyasu Tokugawa’s troops, the Edo (Tokugawa) shogunate closed the shrine, and it was only reconstructed in 1880 on the site where the Great Buddha of Hoko-ji Temple stood under the orders of the Emperor Meiji, sometime after the shogunate had fallen.
The treasure hall was opened in 1925. The concrete building in the Momoyama style of architecture was very unusual back in 1925. Here, exhibits connected to the Toyotomi family, mainly from the Momoyama period (including Important Cultural Properties), are displayed.

photoLeft part of folding screen depicting Hokoku festival (Important Cultural Property)

Left part of folding screen depicting Hokoku festival (Important Cultural Property)

photoIron lantern by Yorijiro Tsuji (Important Cultural Property)

Iron lantern by Yorijiro Tsuji (Important Cultural Property)

photoDecorated Chinese coffer (Important Cultural Property)

Decorated Chinese coffer (Important Cultural Property)

Address 530 Chaya-cho Yamato-oji Shomen, Higashiyama-ku
TEL 075-561-3802
FAX 075-531-1643
Hours 9:00~17:00 (entry by 16:30)
Closed Open daily
Adm Adults ¥300, High school and college students ¥200, Elementary and junior high school students ¥100
Access A 10-min walk from Keihan Shichijo Stn/A 5-min walk from Hakubutsukan Sanjusangendo-mae Stop of City Bus
Parking Available (Charged)

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